These images are best used in the context of a number talk where children are gathered in a common space and know the routine of sharing thoughts and ideas. Teachers use talk moves to keep the dialogue going among and between students. The teacher’s role is to facilitate the conversation, allowing a forum for the sharing of important ideas.

Step 1: Look carefully at the images - How are these two images the same but different?

Step 2: Think silently for 1-2 minutes.

Step 3: Turn and talk to a partner or to your group. Students can do this orally, or they can record their ideas on a mini whiteboard.

Step 4: Share ideas as a whole class – Have students share their ideas of how the two images are the same but different. Consider writing the ideas on a t-chart with one side for same and one side  for different. This could also be done using a Venn diagram.  It is important that this is done publicly, gathering all ideas into a mathematical forum.

Step 5: Summarize the student’s ideas clarifying that we now know that both of the images are the same but different. Restate the students’ ideas and the concepts discussed, calling attention to the important mathematics from the discussion.

Step 6: Create one of your own - Ask students to create another same but different image that shows the same mathematical idea. Allow students work in partners or individually to come up with a related same but different image. Have students share their same but different images - 3 or 4 examples. In this aspect of creation, students are moving towards generalization of the larger mathematical concept.

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